Tips for Flying With the SimplyGo and Other Oxygen Concentrators

Tips for Flying with SimplyGo

Flying with supplemental oxygen equipment, such as Philips Respironics SimplyGo, requires a little bit of planning and prior to your trip, you should check with your airline for their guidelines. For example, most airlines require you to carry your prescription and a written statement from a physician allowing you to fly. Other guidelines may include:

  • Confirming travel arrangements with the airline 48 to 72 hours in advance;
  • The ability to hear the portable oxygen concentrator alarms and see the alarm light indicators, as well as be able to take the appropriate action in response to these warnings, or travel with a companion capable of doing so;
  • Notifying the airline upon check-in and the flight attendant upon boarding, that you plan on using a portable oxygen concentrator onboard the airplane. Many airlines have special assistance coordinators to help you through the process.

 Travel checklist

  • Bring a current oxygen prescription that includes litre flow and duration;
  • Take the contact information of your home oxygen provider or identify a local homecare provider at each destination;
  • Pack power cords and batteries for all electrical equipment;
  • Carry extra nasal cannulas and tubing;
  • Pack medications in a carry-on bag;
  • Bring a complete medication record;
  • Locate and bring your insurance cards;
  • Secure a summary of your medical history from your physician.